I am excited to see that Shane Koyczan has made a beautiful new piece called TO THIS DAY PROJECT. I found it difficult to watch -- so much to process, to weigh and judge. I'm not sure yet what I take from it, but it has stuck with me since I watched it last night and I'm thinking about the challenge embedded in the video-poem. Isn't that what at should do? Great fit as an anti-bullying message and for use in a secondary Planning, Leadership, English, or Social Studies class: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltun92DfnPY
or you can see the video with a bit of context:
I think the discussion questions will arise on their own... feel free to leave a comment about how this video went over with a class. I'd like to think more about how bullying fits into the larger social justice contexts we wrestle with as teachers. There are definitely some connections to be made between how kids are treated in school and the culture of narcissism, violence, and porn that lurks on the edge of the student experience at all times.
Another good video I watched recently that challenged my thinking and relates to the anti-bullying and diversity week at our school (Feb. 25 - Mar 1) was "50 Shades of Gay"