- Family left Ireland due to potato famine (journals)
- Scottish Immigration to Canada 1906 (ship passenger list)
- WWI vet - Canadian gunner (attestation papers, photo)
- immigration from Utah to Alberta with a family connection to Alexander Galt, a father of Confederation (journals, photo)
- Impact of the death of a family member in Crimean War in the 1850s (journal)
- Great x 5 Grandparents (Scottish) part of the Great Migration to Canada 1820s: ship to Quebec (37 days), steamboat up St. Lawrence, wagon to Upper Canada (interview, journals)
- family migration to Alberta; worked on CNR, brothers went to WWI (journals, photos, interview)
- Loyalist family, many buried by a New Brunswick church built in 1789 (interview)
- Family contains a WWI vet and many Caribou pioneers, goldminers, and rodeo pros (interviews, photos, 1875 voters’ list)
- New-found connection to Shuswap Aboriginal Nation (interview)
- Ontario Loyalists, later migrated to Prairies (interviews, family documents)
- family departing Saskatchewan for BC upon Tommy Douglas’ election (interview)
- Metis family stories, godfather was Gabriel Dumont, one member became policeman in 1930s but was discharged when a friend used his police vehicle in a bank robbery (interviews)
- Great-grandfather WWII captured at Dieppe raid, survived war but later went missing while goldpanning (interviews)
- Great-grandparents emigrated from Fukushima, Japan to Vancouver, interned in Tashme camp 1941, later left for beet farm in Alberta (map, government identification card issued to Japanese internees, photos, interview)
- Swedish family legacy and immigration in 1870 (family tree)
- descendent of Chief Gw’eh (Kwah) of Ft. St. James, bearer of a pre-contact metal knife (got through trade) and involved in story of early fur-trade, James Douglas, etc. (interview, memorial plaque, photo of knife from museum)
- interwoven stories of multiple Aboriginal relatives from different nations (interviews, family photos)
- father is current hereditary chief of Beaver Clan; ancestors permitted to switch to this clan due to clan imbalance caused by Spanish Flu of 1918 (interviews)
- horrific stories about family members and others Lejac residential school at Fraser Lake, and uncles and aunts taken in “Sixties Scoop” (interviews, photos)
- immigration from India to California in 1908 by steamship (interview)
- Great x2 Grandfather a founding member and of building sponsor of a Sikh temple in California, also made bombs in the 1920s for the Indian Freedom Fighters back in India (interview, photos)
- three different WWII vets in family, involvements with shipbuilding, Battle of the Bulge, and liberation of Italy (photos, interview)
- family member who helped construct beach features at local provincial park (photo, interview)
- great-uncle, a jockey, who rode Secretariat and was later thrown from a horse and paralyzed in 1978 (interview, photo)
- two stories of marriages between German and Dutch family members that were rejected by family in 1800s (journals)
- homesteading activities in the early 1900s, including use of home remedies still in use by family today (interview, direct observation)
- attempts to learn more about push factors for Dutch immigration to Canada met multiple dead ends - story was known but family members didn’t want to talk about it 150 years later (interview)
- Great x2 Grandfather who fought and died at the Battle of Beaumont-Hamel; his will was made 7 days prior, his grave was later shelled in 1918 (multiple military records kept both by family and available online